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Strategies for Online Success Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Write an Essay Evaluating the Current Role and Practices of Digital Marketing in today. Answer: Digital marketing: It is a very well-known fact that our world is getting digitalized slowly with a very fast pace. Most of the people are using the digital content for getting day to day information from the sources like their mobile phones, laptops, computers etc. this concept of digitalization has put its steps into marketing also. Many companies are using this technology p digital marketing via different medium such as blogs, online websites, social networking sites etc. the below discussion provide the clear of picture of the ole of digital marketing for todays businesses and its importance for the businesses and the consumers (Weber, 2009). If the old generation is considered, they might do not have any issues with the traditional marketing strategies that involve TV, radio advertisements etc. but those who have grown up in this digital world cannot accept the limitation of advertising to these traditional mediums. Therefore, it is necessary for todays businesses to digitalize their marketing str ategies and techniques as well. Marketing is an important process and function of the any organization. The owners of the businesses in earlier times create awareness about their products through newspapers and word of mouth (Armstrong, Kotler, Harker and Brennan, 2012). Digitalization of this function is advancement in the businesses of today. Popularity of digital marketing is because of the use of mass media and internet. If the tools of digital marketing are considered, SEO is the most common and the beneficial tool used by any organizations these days (Parkin, 2009). SEO refers to Search engine Optimization. The major role of this tool is to maximize the probability o getting searched by the search engines like Google. It helps in determining the raking of the websites of the businesses. Digital marketing plays many roles in favor of the organizations. Digital marketing practices and tool act as the medium to enhance the number of clients as well as customers for the firm. This is because of the inclusion of social media networking in the digital marketing practices. Through social media, many clients that are sitting at distant also can connect and the companies can even connect to their customers directly. Social media is the part of digital marketing that is very much underestimated by some of the analysts. This is because it is considered as the casual medium of connections, but it is not so. The likes and the comment on social media determined the trust and loyalty of the customers towards the brands (Chaffey, Smith and Smith, 2012). Thus, it cat as the measurable tool to measure the trust of the customers towards the company. As a customer, the people have so many choices and availability of products. This makes it very difficult for the customers to create that brand image and traffic for their products in the market. Advertising through online medium provide them that facility to create such traffic in cost effective manner. In terms of measuring the returns, online adverting is the medium that facilitates the companies to measure the ROI on advertisement very easily without many efforts. The digital marketing practices are generating employment fir the people and making the world digitalized. The population of the world id becoming techno savvy and involvement of digitalized marketing in the businesses is helping the people to update their knowledge regarding the same. As far as the key characteristics of digital marketing considered, it has been analyzed that the speed, navigation and accessibility of the digital marketing tool as such that it acts as the most effective method to market the products. Digitalization in marketing helps the companies to compete with their customers openly. This is because all the firms in the industry come on the same platform and compete with each other. This makes it easy for the customers also to choose one of the best for them (Manafy and Gautschi, 2011). Digital marketing tools such as Google alerts help the smaller firms to monitor the competitor firms in their industry in order to learn strategies from them. As far as the future of digitalization s considered, it is expected to be very bright for the people as well as for the businesses. Digitalization in most of the functions of business is changing the skill need of the organization and thus the employees. The employees in future will try to achieve the skills that are technologically updated rather the having the theoretical knowledge of the subjects. This is because it will be the requirements of the businesses in future (Constantinides and Fountain, 2008). After analyzing the situation of present businesses and their interest towards digitalization, it is being predicted that the traditional use of newspapers and radios will be vanished soon and thus create opportunities for IT companies to develop more and more applications for the companies to market their products. Digitalization can also play a great role in upgrading the education system as business. If the ethical consideration towards digital marketing is analyzed, it has been identified that this marketing tool can be practiced as the medium fir performing unethical activities. The major concern in todays world is of the privacy concern, the privacy of the customers details. Most of the cases have been identified regarding online frauds and some of the websites that aces the data of the customers debit or credit card and use it unethically (Argenti and Barnes, 2009). With the advancement in the digitalization, the government should take steps to monitor such unethical practices like leaking the private data or accessing the credit and debit card credentials should not be practiced. This is the reason why some of the people still do not believe on practices like online shopping. To summarize, it can be said that digital marketing is the boon for the businesses today. This is because it facilitates them to perform the marketing activities on large scale with cost effective manner (Blanger and Crossler, 2011). It also helps in making a brand image of the firm and digital marketing play a very important part of the company's functioning. Some of the unethical practices that are associated with digital marketing are privacy and accessing data should be monitored by the government so as to continue the use of this efficient technology for marketing References: Argenti, P.A. and Barnes, C.M., 2009.Digital strategies for powerful corporate communications. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2012.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Prentice-Hall, London. Blanger, F. and Crossler, R.E., 2011. Privacy in the digital age: a review of information privacy research in information systems.MIS quarterly,35(4), pp.1017-1042. Chaffey, D., Smith, P.R. and Smith, P.R., 2012.eMarketing eXcellence: Planning and optimizing your digital marketing. Routledge. Constantinides, E. and Fountain, S.J., 2008. Web 2.0: Conceptual foundations and marketing issues.Journal of direct, data and digital marketing practice,9(3), pp.231-244. Manafy, M. and Gautschi, H., 2011.Dancing with digital natives: Staying in step with the generation that's transforming the way business is done. Information Today, Inc.. Parkin, G., 2009.Digital marketing: Strategies for online success. New Holland Pub Ltd. Weber, L., 2009.Marketing to the social web: How digital customer communities build your business. John Wiley Sons.
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